Sunday, September 16, 2012

What a Journey Thus Far!

My last post was July 30th and I apologize to those that may have been worried that something bad happened or that sometimes just not knowing can make one nervous. I was suppose to start my 4th round of chemotherapy on August 7th, but I was a little sick and so I had to wait until August 13th because the my oncologist said that even little cold combined with chemotherapy could have serious consequences to my health and my immune system.  I was a little bummed by that news but at the same time knew that following my doctor's instructions is kind of like following a map.  If you pay close attention to where you need to go you'll most undoubtedly make to your destination.  If you don't pay close attention then you'll most likely end up way off course and then it takes that much more effort to get back on track.

August 13th came and went for my chemotherapy.  I did pretty good this time but it was a little bit lonely because Gloria was unable to stay with me all the days I was there.  There is always a positive for every negative I believe and that positive is the time away during the night and day always makes the heart the fonder.  I didn't have any complications and as much as the nurses were so wonderful I told them that I hope I don't have to see them again.  This was my final round of chemotherapy in the sense of being in the hospital for three days at a time receiving 72 straight hours of it.  If I do have to do follow-up chemotherapy it will most likely be an outpatient and last only a few hours.  I'm grateful to the medical oncology staff at McKay for their awesomeness in taking care of me.

August 21st I had a CT scan to see what the effects the third and fourth rounds of chemotherapy had on the tumor.  This time though it didn't become a waiting game as the hospital had all the information from the previous scans and by Friday, August 24th we found out that the tumor had shrunk another 10%.  60% in total which I was very excited about and thankful to my Heavenly Father because the cancer is so rare that there is not a lot of information on how to treat it.  My oncologist said many times the tumor will start to become resistant to the chemo drugs and so he said the reward does not outweigh the effects and so he wasn't going to recommend any more chemo rounds because of the toll it was taking on me.  He said that surgery was the next step. They also found a blood clot on the CT scan so I had to go back in for an ultrasound to confirm the blood clot and was then put on blood thinners and some really "fun" shots that have to be administered into the stomach near the belly button.  I'm glad I'm done with those for the time being.

This same day I started getting more of the chemo effects that I have not had to endure up to this point.  This one being canker sores all over the inside of my mouth, a bad cough, and loss of appetite I spent from Friday, August 24th to August 26th in bed too ill to even get up.  I did get some awesome medicine from my doctor that temporarily numbed the mouth.  As I was laying in bed and just feeling physically horrible the following scripture came to my mind: "But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions." (Alma 34:41) I can say that this is true.  Patience and trust in the Lord.  At the time it seems that our troubles and afflictions may never pass but they do.

August 27th seemed like a normal day.  I had a little bit of a cough and even went to the doctor's office to have my white blood count checked. I talked to my doctor a little and said I was fine for the most part just a little bit of coughing here and there but nothing serious.  Well later that night around 9:00 PM I started to have a cough attack and ended up in the emergency room at Davis Hospital.  My awesome brother Josh was there as he works there to get me in quick to see a doctor.  They ran some tests and checked my blood and got me some good cough medicine so I could sleep.  They found I had a respiratory infection and the blood tests came back that my white blood count was low and that my platelets were low as well.  So the next day I went back to my doctor and got a white blood cell booster shot and also scheduled a platelet transfusion at McKay.  The platelet transfusion was August 29th and it was quick and easy but man do those things make you sick as can be.  The good thing is the effect was short lasting and by the evening I was feeling a lot better. 

So we've had a few bumps in the road since finishing the last round of chemotherapy to say the least.  Its okay though because we could have had these after each chemo session and I'm so grateful that I didn't.  It's a question of attitude.  Is the cup half empty or is it half full.  We can either go in with a good attitude and a grateful heart for all the blessings we have in our lives or be negative and be bitter which doesn't help us grow or learn.  If we don't grow and learn what was the point of going through everything?  God doesn't allow us to go through trials just because.  I strongly believe there is a reason for it and if we are willing to submit to his will, I know we'll come out stronger physically and spiritually and will be better people because of it.

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